, pub-6935017799501206, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Pometia pinnata Matoa - PLANTER AND FORESTER

Pometia pinnata Matoa

Pometia pinnata Matoa

Pometia pinnata Matoa

Pometia pinnata is a large tropical hardwood and fruit tree species, with common names including matoa, taun tree, island lychee, tava, of the plant family Sapindaceae.
Pometia pinnata Matoa

Naturally widespread, the trees grow through Southeast Asia, Malaysia and the Pacific region

Matoa (Pometia pinnata) adalah tanaman buah khas Papua, tergolong pohon besar dengan tinggi rata-rata 18 meter dengan diameter rata-rata maksimum 100 cm. Umumnya berbuah sekali dalam setahun. Berbunga pada bulan Juli sampai Oktober dan berbuah 3 atau 4 bulan kemudian. Penyebaran buah matoa di Papua hampir terdapat di seluruh wilayah dataran rendah hingga ketinggian 1200 m dpl.
Pometia pinnata Matoa

Tumbuh baik pada daerah yang kondisi tanahnya kering tidak tergenang dengan lapisan tanah yang tebal. Iklim yang dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan yang baik adalah iklim dengan curah hujan yang tinggi (1200 mm per tahun). Matoa juga terdapat di beberapa daerah di Sulawesi, Maluku, dan Papua New Guinea. Buah matoa memiliki rasa yang manis

Pometia pinnata Matoa
Di Papua dikenal 2 jenis matoa, yaitu Matoa Kelapa dan Matoa Papeda. Ciri yang membedakan keduanya adalah terdapat pada tekstur buahnya, Matoa Kelapa dicirikan oleh daging buah yang kenyal seperti rambutan aceh, diameter buah 2,2 - 2,9 cm dan diameter biji 1,25 - 1,40 cm. Sedangkan Matoa Papeda dicirikan oleh daging buahnya yang agak lembek dan lengket dengan diamater buah 1,4 - 2,0 cm.
Pometia pinnata Matoa
Tanaman ini mudah beraptasi dengan kondisi panas maupun dingin. Pohon ini juga tahan terhadap serangga, yang pada umumnya merusak buah.

Pometia pinnata is a large tropical hardwood and fruit tree species, with common names including matoa, taun tree, island lychee, tava, of the plant family Sapindaceae.

Pometia pinnata Matoa
Naturally widespread, the trees grow through Southeast Asia, Malaysia and the Pacific region

Matoa (Pometia pinnata) is a typical Papua fruit plant, classified as a large tree with an average height of 18 meters with a maximum average diameter of 100 cm. Generally bear fruit once a year. Flowering in July to October and fruiting 3 or 4 months later. The spread of matoa fruit in Papua is almost found in all low-lying areas up to an altitude of 1200 m above sea level. It grows well in areas with dry soil conditions that are not flooded with thick soil. The climate needed for good growth is a climate with high rainfall (1200 mm per year). Matoa is also found in several regions in Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua New Guinea. Matoa fruit has a sweet taste

Pometia pinnata Matoa

In Papua there are two types of matoa, namely Matoa Kelapa and Matoa Papeda. The distinguishing characteristics of the two are found in the texture of the fruit, Matoa Coconut is characterized by chewy flesh such as rambutan Aceh, fruit diameter of 2.2 - 2.9 cm and seed diameter of 1.25 - 1.40 cm. While Matoa Papeda is characterized by its rather soft and sticky flesh with a diameter of 1.4 - 2.0 cm fruit. This plant can easily adapt to hot or cold conditions. This tree is also resistant to insects, which generally damage the fruit.

Pometia pinnata Matoa

Pometia pinnata Matoa

Pometia pinnata Matoa

Pometia pinnata Matoa

Pometia pinnata Matoa

Pometia pinnata Matoa

Pometia pinnata Matoa

Pometia pinnata Matoa

Pometia pinnata Matoa

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