Chlophora excelsa Benth & Hook, a sacred tree
Chlophora excelsa Benth & Hook, a sacred tree
Pohon Anti Rayap
Chlophora excelsa Benth & Hook |
Chlophora excelsa or Milicia excelsa is a tree species from the genus Milicia of the family Moraceae.
Chlophora excelsa Benth & Hook |
The tree yields a strong, dense and durable dark brown hardwood timber. It is resistant to termites and is used for construction, furniture, joinery, panelling, floors and boats.
The tree can be used in the control of erosion, and for providing shade as a roadside tree in urban areas. It grows rapidly, can be coppiced and is ready for cutting after about fifty years. The tree is nitrogen fixing and the leaves are used for mulching.
Chlophora excelsa Benth & Hook |
The latex is used as an anti-tumour agent and to clear stomach and throat obstructions.
Because of these and many other uses of Chlorophora excelsa or Milicia excelsa people have over harvested this species to the point of concern. The IUCN has this species on the Red List under ‘Near Threatened’ (BIZOUX, J.-P., 2009).
Chlophora excelsa Benth & Hook |
In West Africa, African teak is considered to be a sacred tree. It is often protected when the surrounding bush is cleared, ritual sacrifices take place underneath it and gifts are given to it. Fertility and birth are associated with it and its timber is used to make ceremonial drums and coffins.
Cholophora excelsa atau Milicia excelsa adalah spesies pohon dari genus Milicia dari famili Moraceae.
Chlophora excelsa Benth & Hook |
Pohon itu menghasilkan kayu keras berwarna cokelat tua yang kuat, padat, dan tahan lama. Ini tahan terhadap rayap dan digunakan untuk konstruksi, furnitur, bengkel tukang kayu, panel, lantai dan kapal.
Chlophora excelsa Benth & Hook |
Pohon itu memperbaiki nitrogen dan daunnya digunakan untuk mulsa.
Pohon itu juga digunakan dalam pengobatan herbal. Kulit bubuk digunakan untuk batuk, masalah jantung dan kelelahan.
Chlophora excelsa Benth & Hook |
Daun dan abunya juga memiliki kegunaan obat. Karena hal ini dan banyak kegunaan lain dari Chlorophora excelsa atau Milicia excelsa orang telah memanen spesies ini secara berlebihan hingga menjadi perhatian. IUCN memiliki spesies ini dalam Daftar Merah di bawah ‘Hampir Terancam’ (BIZOUX, J.-P., 2009).
Chlophora excelsa Benth & Hook |
Milicia excelsa terancam oleh hilangnya habitat.
Chlophora excelsa Benth & Hook |
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