, pub-6935017799501206, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Antiaris toxicaria Pers.Lesch alias Bark Cloth Tree, Ipuh - PLANTER AND FORESTER

Antiaris toxicaria Pers.Lesch alias Bark Cloth Tree, Ipuh

Bark Cloth Tree, Poisonous and medicinal tree

Antiaris toxicaria Pers.Lesch alias Bark Cloth Tree

Bark Cloth Tree, Poisonous and medicinal tree Antiaris toxicaria aka IPUH Medium to large trees; reaching 45 (-60) m high, branch-free trunks up to 23 m and stem lengths up to 180 cm; sometimes with narrow buttresses as high as 3 m . Grayish white, soft and slightly split.

Antiaris toxicaria Pers.Lesch alias Bark Cloth Tree
The inner pale is yellowish yellow; its latex is creamy yellow, which immediately turns brown and clots grained when exposed to air. 

Antiaris toxicaria Pers.Lesch alias Bark Cloth Tree
Twigs 2-3 mm thick, whitish gray hair. Leaves supporting 3-4 mm, yellow hair. Single leaves, alternating, thick as paper, long oval, 6-20 × 3.6-8.5 cm; secondary leaf bone totaling 8-14 pairs; leaf tips tapered to round; flat edges; the base of the round, sometimes like the heart, is generally asymmetrical; stems 2–10 mm long, yellow-orange hair, grooved at the top. 
Antiaris toxicaria Pers.Lesch alias Bark Cloth Tree

Male flowers in concave humps, midline lk. 1.25 cm, 0.8 cm stem, 2-4 lumps together once. Female flowers are not in a cusp, but gather in the armpits. Pear-shaped fruit, midline lk. 1.25 cm, red and then black when cooking. 

Single seed Ipuh produces light wood which in trade is classified as applied wood. The wood density is recorded between (250-) 390-540 kg / m3 at 15% moisture content. 

This wood is generally used in light construction, building interiors, furniture, wood panels, floor coverings, packing boxes, veneers, and plywood. 

One of the producers of ipuh wood is Papua New Guinea, which in 1996 recorded 6,570 m3. 

Ipuh is a primary forest tree that spreads sparsely to an altitude of 1,500 m above sea level. Sometimes found on grassy savannah and coastal highlands. In Africa, ipuh also grows in semi-arid regions. 

This tree is known to spread widely starting from West Africa, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, southern China, Indochina, across the archipelago to the Pacific (up to Fiji and Tonga) and northern Australia 

Antiaris toxicaria alias IPUH Pohon berukuran sedang hingga besar; tinggi mencapai 45(-60) m, batang bebas cabang hingga 23 m dan gemang batang hingga 180 cm; kadang-kadang dengan banir sempit setinggi 3 m[4]. 

Pepagan putih keabu-abuan, halus dan sedikit memecah. Pepagan bagian dalam pucat kekuningan; lateksnya berwarna kuning krem, yang segera menjadi kecoklatan dan menggumpal berbutir bila kena udara. Ranting-ranting tebalnya 2-3 mm, berambut abu-abu keputihan. 
Antiaris toxicaria Pers.Lesch alias Bark Cloth Tree

Daun penumpu 3–4 mm, berambut kuning. Daun-daun tunggal, berseling, tebal seperti kertas, jorong lonjong, 6-20 × 3,6-8,5 cm; tulang daun sekunder berjumlah 8-14 pasang; ujung daun meruncing hingga membundar; tepinya rata; pangkalnya membundar, kadang-kadang seperti jantung, umumnya tak-simetris; bertangkai 2–10 mm, berambut kuning-jingga, beralur di sisi atasnya. 

Bunga jantan dalam bongkol yang cekung, garis tengah lk. 1,25 cm, bertangkai 0,8 cm, berkumpul 2-4 bongkol sekali. Bunga betina tidak dalam bongkol, namun berkumpul di ketiak. Buah berbentuk pir, garis tengah lk. 1,25 cm, merah kemudian menghitam jika masak. 

Biji tunggal Ipuh menghasilkan kayu ringan yang dalam perdagangan digolongkan sebagai kayu terap. Densitas kayunya tercatat antara (250–)390 – 540 kg/m3 pada kadar air 15%. 

Kayu ini umumnya digunakan dalam konstruksi ringan, interior bangunan, furnitur, panil kayu, penutup lantai, kotak pengemas, venir, dan kayu lapis. 

Salah satu produsen kayu ipuh adalah Papua Nugini, yang pada 1996 tercatat mengekspor 6.570 m3. 

Ipuh adalah pohon hutan primer yang menyebar jarang-jarang hingga ketinggian 1.500 m dpl. 

Kadang-kadang ditemui di sabana berumput dan dataran tinggi pesisir. Di Afrika, ipuh juga tumbuh di daerah semi-arid. Pohon ini diketahui menyebar luas mulai dari Afrika Barat, Madagaskar, India, Srilanka, Cina selatan, Indocina, melintasi Nusantara hingga ke Pasifik (sampai ke Fiji dan Tonga) dan Australia utara

Antiaris toxicaria Pers.Lesch alias Bark Cloth Tree
Antiaris toxicaria aka IPUH Medium to large trees; reaching 45 (-60) m high, branch-free trunks up to 23 m and stem lengths up to 180 cm; sometimes with narrow buttresses as high as 3 m [4]. Grayish white, soft and slightly split. 

Antiaris toxicaria Pers.Lesch alias Bark Cloth Tree

The inner pale is yellowish yellow; its latex is creamy yellow, which immediately turns brown and clots grained when exposed to air. Twigs 2-3 mm thick, whitish gray hair. 

Leaves supporting 3-4 mm, yellow hair. Single leaves, alternating, thick as paper, long oval, 6-20 × 3.6-8.5 cm; secondary leaf bone totaling 8-14 pairs; leaf tips tapered to round; flat edges; the base of the round, sometimes like the heart, is generally asymmetrical; stems 2–10 mm long, yellow-orange hair, grooved at the top. Male flowers in concave humps, midline lk. 1.25 cm, 0.8 cm stem, 2-4 lumps together once. 

Female flowers are not in a cusp, but gather in the armpits. Pear-shaped fruit, midline lk. 1.25 cm, red and then black when cooking. Single seed Ipuh produces light wood which in trade is classified as applied wood. The wood density is recorded between (250-) 390-540 kg / m3 at 15% moisture content. 

This wood is generally used in light construction, building interiors, furniture, wood panels, floor coverings, packing boxes, veneers, and plywood. One of the producers of ipuh wood is Papua New Guinea, which in 1996 recorded 6,570 m3. Ipuh is a primary forest tree that spreads sparsely to an altitude of 1,500 m above sea level. Sometimes found on grassy savannah and coastal highlands. In Africa, ipuh also grows in semi-arid regions. 

This tree is known to spread widely starting from West Africa, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, southern China, Indochina, across the archipelago to the Pacific (up to Fiji and Tonga) and northern Australia 

Kayu ini umumnya digunakan dalam konstruksi ringan, interior bangunan, furnitur, panil kayu, penutup lantai, kotak pengemas, venir, dan kayu lapis. Salah satu produsen kayu ipuh adalah Papua Nugini, yang pada 1996 tercatat mengekspor 6.570 m3. Ipuh adalah pohon hutan primer yang menyebar jarang-jarang hingga ketinggian 1.500 m dpl. Kadang-kadang ditemui di sabana berumput dan dataran tinggi pesisir. Di Afrika, ipuh juga tumbuh di daerah semi-arid. Pohon ini diketahui menyebar luas mulai dari Afrika Barat, Madagaskar, India, Srilanka, Cina selatan, Indocina, melintasi Nusantara hingga ke Pasifik (sampai ke Fiji dan Tonga) dan Australia utara

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