Suasana Sakral di Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi
Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi
Suasana Sakral di Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi
Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi atau disingkat dengan Munasprok adalah gedung yang dibangun sebagai monument peristiwa proses perumusan naskah proklamasi kemerdekaan di Indonesia
Museum ini lokasinya tidak jauh dari Taman Suropati dan bersamaan kunjungan ke Taman Suropati, saya siapkan waktu khusus untuk mengunjungi Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi (Munasprok) ini.
Lihat juga : Museum Tekstil dan Galeri Batik Jakarta
Ruang Kedua
Di halaman belakang museum, bisa ditemukan sebuah bunker rahasia selebar 5 meter dengan panjang 3 meter dan tinggi sekitar 1,5 meter. Bunker tersebut adalah tempat di mana dahulunya Laksamana Maeda menyimpan barang-barang berharganya seperti dokumen penting kenegaraan ketika Ia menjabat sebagai kepala penghubung Angkatan Laut dan Darat Jepang.
First room
This room is the site of the first historic event in the preparation of the Proclamation Text Formulation. The room is the living room which is also used as an office by Maeda. In addition, in this space also described the atmosphere before the proclamation such as the formation of PPKI and BPUPKI, the Hiroshima-Nagasaki bomb and other events
Second room
In this room Soekarno-Hatta held a joint meeting at a round table with other managers such as Soediro and B.M Diah at 3am. It was also in this room that Sukarno made the first draft of a proclamation text entitled "Proclamation" written in his own hand. In addition, in this room also described the atmosphere when Soekarno announced the proclamation on Jl. Pegangsaan Timur.
Third Room
In the third room there is a piano under the stairs which is the place where Soekarno-Hatta signed the text of the proclamation. It was also in this room that Sukarno decided to read the manuscript of the proclamation on his front page. In addition, in the 3rd room there is a picture with an atmosphere of upheaval while maintaining independence
Fourth Room
The 4th room is an exhibition room for objects worn by the figures present in the formulation of the proclamation text. These objects include watches, pens to clothes. In addition, the fourth room is the room where Sayuti Melik is accompanied by B.M. Diah typed in the text of the proclamation after a deliberative editing process.
The Museum for the Formulation of the Proclamation Text or abbreviated as Munasprok is a building that was built as a monument to the process of formulating the text of the proclamation of independence in Indonesia. Building area of 3,914 square meters and building area of 1,138 square meters was first established in 1920 with a European architectural style. Inside the building there are rooms, ancient furniture, and accessories that describe a similar atmosphere of the formulation of the proclamation manuscript
In the backyard of the museum, you can find a secret bunker that is 5 meters wide by 3 meters long and about 1.5 meters high. The bunker was where Admiral Maeda used to store his valuable belongings such as important state documents when he served as chief of liaison for the Japanese Navy and Land.
All furniture and furniture that are in the Museum of the Proclamation Text Formulation Museum are not original goods as at the time of independence, but replicas. The items include meeting rooms, pianos, locker racks, and a set of guest tables and chairs. This is because in 1945 many of the contents of the house were looted including historical evidence, but the layout is still maintained.
Suasana Sakral di Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi
Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi atau disingkat dengan Munasprok adalah gedung yang dibangun sebagai monument peristiwa proses perumusan naskah proklamasi kemerdekaan di Indonesia
Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi |
Museum ini lokasinya tidak jauh dari Taman Suropati dan bersamaan kunjungan ke Taman Suropati, saya siapkan waktu khusus untuk mengunjungi Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi (Munasprok) ini.
Lihat juga : Museum Tekstil dan Galeri Batik Jakarta
Gedung luas tanah 3.914 meter persegi dan luas bangunan 1.138 meter persegi itu pertama kali didirikan pada tahun 1920 dengan gaya arsitektur Eropa. Di dalam gedung tersebut terdapat ruangan, mebel kuno, dan aksesoris yang menggambarkan suasana serupa peristiwa perumusan naskah proklamasi
Museum ini dilengkapi dengan penjelasan visual yang baik di lantai 2. Saat memasuki setiap ruangan akan dijelaskan secara detail peristiwa dan kejadian di ruangan tersebut.
Ruang Pertama
Ruang ini merupakan tempat peristiwa bersejarah yang pertama dalam persiapan Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi. Ruangan tersebut adalah ruang tamu yang juga digunakan sebagai kantor oleh Maeda. Selain itu, di ruang ini juga digambarkan suasana menjelang proklamasi seperti pembentukan PPKI dan BPUPKI, bom Hiroshima-Nagasaki dan peristiwa lainnya
Suasana Serius menjelang Proklamasi |
Dalam ruang ini Soekarno-Hatta mengadakan rapat bersama di meja bundar dengan pengurus lain seperti Soediro dan B.M Diah pada pukul 3 subuh. Di ruang ini juga lah Soekarno membuat draft pertama naskah proklamasi dengan judul “Proklamasi” yang ditulis dengan tangannya sendiri. Selain itu, dalam ruangan ini juga tergambarkan suasana saat Soekarno mengumandangkan proklamasi di Jl. Pegangsaan timur.
Proses Pengetikan Naskah Proklamasi |
Ruang Ketiga
Di ruang ketiga terdapat piano di bawah tangga yang merupakan tempat di mana Soekarno-Hatta menandatangani naskah proklamasi. Di ruangan ini pulalah Soekarno memutuskan untuk membaca naskah proklamasi di halaman depan rumahnya. Selain itu, di ruangan yang ke-3 terdapat gambar dengan suasana pergolakan saat mempertahankan kemerdekaan
Ruang Keempat
Ruang ke-4 adalah ruang pameran benda-benda yang dikenakan para tokoh yang hadir dalam perumusan naskah proklamasi. Benda-benda tersebut meliputi jam tangan, pulpen hingga baju-baju. Di samping itu, ruang keempat adalah ruangan di mana Sayuti Melik ditemani dengan B.M. Diah mengetikkan naskah proklamasi setelah melakukan proses pengeditan secara bermusyawarah.
Tangga Menuju Lantai 2 |
Di lantai 2, diorama lebih lengkap dengan berbagai peristiwa dengan penjelasan yang detail dan jelas.
Benda Benda bersejarah saat Proklamasi |
Tokoh dalam persiapan Proklamasi I Goesti Ketut Poejda dan R Iwa Kusumasumatri |
Tokoh Persiapan Proklamasi G.S.S.J Ratulangi dan Sukarni |
Tokoh Tokoh yang berperan dalam Proklamasi |
Tokoh Tokoh yang berperan dalam proklamasi Johannes Latoeharhari dan KRT Radjiman Wedyodiningrat |
Tokoh Tokoh persiapan Proklamasi Ki Hadjar Dewantara dan R Soepomo |
Tokoh Tokoh persiapan Proklamasi Ahmad Soebardjo |
Perjalanan Karier Soekarno |
Koleksi Baju Baju Para Pahlawan |
Koleksi Baju Para Pahlawan |
Pelantikan Presiden RIS, Pengakuan Kedaulatan di Belanda dan Jakarta |
Suasana ruangan tengah lantai 2 |
Diorama serangan Umum 1 Maret 1949 |
Peristiwa Agresi Militer |
Perjalanan sejarah Bangsa Indonesia |
Perundingan Linggar Jati |
Perjuangan Mempertahankan kemerdekaan |
Buku Pembahasan UUD 1945 |
Buku Dokumentasi Sejarah Indonesia |
Gambaran Ruangan bagian kiri lantai 2 |
Diorama Pembentukan Kabinet setelah kemerdekaan RI |
Proklamasi di seluruh daerah |
Proklamasi di seluruh daerah |
Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI |
Pemberitaan Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI |
Rekaman Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI |
Sejarah Uang RI |
Halaman Belakang Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi |
Halaman Belakang Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi |
Patung 3 pahlawan di bagian Halaman Belakang Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi |
Segala furnitur dan mebel yang berada di Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi bukan barang asli seperti pada saat masa kemerdekaan, melainkan replika. Barang tersebut meliputi ruang rapat, piano, rak loker, dan seperangkat meja dan kursi tamu. Hal ini disebabkan pada tahun 1945 isi rumah tersebut banyak yang dijarah termasuk bukti sejarahnya, tetapi tata letaknya tetap dipertahankan.
Fasilitas Museum
Bersama Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta |
Ikut Hadir Saat perundingan di meja Oval |
Ikut memberikan masukan saat penyusunan Draft Prokalmasi |
Ikut menyaksikan Penandatanganan Proklamasi |
Proses Pengetikan Proklamasi |
First room
This room is the site of the first historic event in the preparation of the Proclamation Text Formulation. The room is the living room which is also used as an office by Maeda. In addition, in this space also described the atmosphere before the proclamation such as the formation of PPKI and BPUPKI, the Hiroshima-Nagasaki bomb and other events
Second room
In this room Soekarno-Hatta held a joint meeting at a round table with other managers such as Soediro and B.M Diah at 3am. It was also in this room that Sukarno made the first draft of a proclamation text entitled "Proclamation" written in his own hand. In addition, in this room also described the atmosphere when Soekarno announced the proclamation on Jl. Pegangsaan Timur.
Third Room
In the third room there is a piano under the stairs which is the place where Soekarno-Hatta signed the text of the proclamation. It was also in this room that Sukarno decided to read the manuscript of the proclamation on his front page. In addition, in the 3rd room there is a picture with an atmosphere of upheaval while maintaining independence
Fourth Room
The 4th room is an exhibition room for objects worn by the figures present in the formulation of the proclamation text. These objects include watches, pens to clothes. In addition, the fourth room is the room where Sayuti Melik is accompanied by B.M. Diah typed in the text of the proclamation after a deliberative editing process.
The Museum for the Formulation of the Proclamation Text or abbreviated as Munasprok is a building that was built as a monument to the process of formulating the text of the proclamation of independence in Indonesia. Building area of 3,914 square meters and building area of 1,138 square meters was first established in 1920 with a European architectural style. Inside the building there are rooms, ancient furniture, and accessories that describe a similar atmosphere of the formulation of the proclamation manuscript
In the backyard of the museum, you can find a secret bunker that is 5 meters wide by 3 meters long and about 1.5 meters high. The bunker was where Admiral Maeda used to store his valuable belongings such as important state documents when he served as chief of liaison for the Japanese Navy and Land.
All furniture and furniture that are in the Museum of the Proclamation Text Formulation Museum are not original goods as at the time of independence, but replicas. The items include meeting rooms, pianos, locker racks, and a set of guest tables and chairs. This is because in 1945 many of the contents of the house were looted including historical evidence, but the layout is still maintained.
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